Leadership Now

Invest in Your Leadership Year-Round

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Are you looking for ways to be uplifted by the positive transformation taking place across the globe? Leadership Now is a monthly email subscription that includes Global Leadership Network updates, speaker alumni resources, and information and stories about our global impact, along with upcoming events and promotional incentives. Leaders are committed to personal growth, and while we can learn through our own experiences, we can minimize our losses by learning from the wisdom of others who want to share their knowledge with us.

GLN Update

Be fueled with a compelling message from the President, know what’s going on around GLN, and see the impact We are having globally because of your support.

Resources You Need

Be inspired and equipped by our alumni speakers as they share updates and topics related to their upcoming books and events. Also, be the first to know about products and promotions from the Global Leadership Network!

Insights to Thrive

Our events and resources are transforming those we serve. Be inspired by their testimonies and stories! Whether it is an event attendee, a person behind bars, or a regional leader, leadership changes everything!

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